
We are mental health therapists familiar with international expatriate experiences and the Third Culture Kid. All of our psychologists have advanced training in their fields. We offer individual treatment in different approaches. Those include contemporary psychoanalysis, Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung) and EMDR. No matter the theoretical perspective, more importantly, is the understanding of the individual as a whole, within an intercultural perspective. Psychotherapy is proven to very effective in helping not only mitigate symptoms, but also provide coping and developmental skills.

International Expatriate experience, Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and Mental Health

An expatriate (expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native country. Moving to a new country is always a challenge, regardless of the reason the person moved. The term expat often refers to professionals that take upook positions outside their home country. Moving overseas always involves a high amount of investment, not only financial but emotional. Research shows that, of the many factors affecting the success of international assignments, crosscultural adjustment has received the most attention123. There are numerous factors that can have a positive or negative impact on this process of adapting to another culture. For instance, variables positively correlated include relational abilities, communication skills, and stress among others2. In the case of an expat that moved with their family, the process gets more complex – considering that now there are others involved in the adaptation process. Studies show that the ease with which family members adapt in another country may be one of the most important variables affecting the success or failure of an assignment. An adaptive and supportive family is essential to a positive output2. In many of these aspects, therapy may help individuals in their coping and adjusting process.

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